Thursday, September 4, 2008

So, a little about me.

If I had to be in another class, it'd probably be Graphic Design III. I'm part of the Mock Trial club, Drama StarZ, Tech Crew (kind of), and President and founder of the Anime Club here at Kenwood. I'm also one of the co-presidents of my Youth Group.. I've got a lot of responsibility this year. I'm taking two other AP classes this year; AP Biology and AP Literature. I plan on going to Columbia College in Chicago after graduating this year, and getting into the new Game Design major. I can't really think of anything else, so.. ending this paragraph o_o.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good essay except for the genralization about all colonies that escaped English persecution...I wish you would be specific when stating that to write something like "...including, Maryland, Plymouth...and Massachusetts Bay."